SALT Skippertraining Motor
The SALT Skippertraining Motor offers advanced education and training opportunities for motorboat drivers. From the base harbor of Marina Saartropez in the east side of Saarbrücken, the Saar offers a variety of options. In addition to handling and maneuver training, territorial trips and lock training, make up the majority of customer inquiries.
The predestined location on the Saar, the many locks on the French canals, which are operated by hand, or the large locks for commercial shipping, offer almost incomparable opportunities for training for motorboat drivers.
SALT Skippertraining Motor keywords
Motorboat Rhine Moor Moselle Motoryacht Harbor manouvres SBF Binnen Practical training Locks training Only motorboat practice Saar trips in the area Main Refresh your knowledge Handling Motorboat SBF See Sport boat licenses Private lesson

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Motorboat, sailing and windsurfing school
Bismarckstr. 57, D-66121 Saarbrücken, Germany
commercial register: HRB 8805 beim AG Saarbruecken/Germany
CEO (Geschäftsfuehrerin): Dorothea Russ
Für Deutschland: Steuernummer: 040/118/00012, Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 138114328
Für Luxembourg: Numéro I.B.L.C.: 15915826, Numéro matricule T.V.A.: 1989 3401 248, Numéro d’identification T.V.A.: LU 15915826
Per l'Italia: P.IVA: 02604010039, C.F.: 02604010039, Domicilio fiscale: Comune di Verbania VB
Pour la France: Numéro d'immatriculation près du Tribunal de Commerce: 881529366 RCS Paris